Arrived Investment Principles

Arrived Team
Arrived Team

Aug 29, 2024

Arrived Investment Principles

At Arrived, we prioritize responsible stewardship of our clients’ investments. We take this responsibility seriously and are committed to maintaining transparency with our investors and the broader investment community. To achieve this, we ensure that our performance results are accurate and honest and make our methods and internal processes open and transparent.

Our investment principles are the guiding principles we use to make informed decisions when acquiring and managing residential real estate investments.

Investor-First Mentality

We prioritize our investors and their interests above all else. We are grateful for their trust in us and strive to earn it by being transparent, fair, and responsive. To achieve this, we keep our investors informed with clear, honest information, offer competitive fees, and actively listen to their feedback. Our goal is to build long-term relationships with our investors, where everyone benefits.

Asset Selection Strategy

Through a rigorous selection process, we aim to identify assets that, based on our analysis, have the potential to perform strongly within a given market, time period, and level of risk.

Long-Term Focus

Investing in real estate with a buy-and-hold mentality is often seen as a reliable way to generate wealth over time. At Arrived, our strategies are intended for long-term holding rather than short-term investments of months or days.

Approach to Stability and Risk Mitigation

Our real estate investment strategy addresses risks and strives for stability for our investors. This is pursued through careful asset selection, financing strategy, and insurance coverage.*

Opportunistic Strategy

Our approach prioritizes the selection of attractive assets, taking into account the rapidly changing market cycles. Our method is designed to provide our clients with real estate prospects based on our analysis and intelligent resource allocation rather than attempting to time the market for the lowest price.*


We believe in diversification as a powerful tool to reduce the risk of losses. Therefore, we offer our investors a wide selection of assets, individually or as a fund, so they can easily diversify their portfolios.

Smart Spending

We know that high operating costs and fees can reduce investor returns. That’s why we’re committed to creating an efficient operating model utilizing automation and economies of scale to reduce those costs for investors. 

Data-Aided Human Judgement

We believe in the power of data and its ability to inform decisions that optimize investor returns. Investing in real estate is also a very human experience. Beyond our data, we rely on our expert team members and local partners to make decisions.

Aligned Incentives

We always search for ways to align incentives across our different stakeholders, whether that is the residents in our properties or our property managers. Aligned incentives allow us to increase returns for our investors while maximizing value creation across the board. 


Who can invest?

How much can I invest?

What type of products are available on Arrived?

Will I have any responsibilities for managing properties I invest in? If not, who is responsible?

What type of returns can I obtain?

Have more questions? Visit our
Frequently Asked Questions
for in-depth answers.

Get Started With ArrivedInterested in adding real estate to your portfolio? With Arrived, anyone can invest $100 to $15,000 per property in a range of rental homes across dozens of markets.


*All investments carry inherent risks, and stability is not guaranteed. While we strive to make informed decisions, we cannot guarantee performance or returns. 

The opinions expressed in this article are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. The views reflected in the commentary are subject to change at any time without notice.

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Webinar: Investing In Arrived

Ryan Frazier, Arrived CEO, and Cameron Wu, VP of Investments, will be hosting webinars to talk about how to get started with rental property investing. Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 9am PST and Fridays at 1pm PST each week (unless otherwise posted).